Your ocean playground.
Your summer adventure.
This is a new Paragraph component that will be built into Page Content Type under Content Groups.
It will need to include the following fields:
Hero image (required)
Title (not required)
Text/Description (not required)
Icon (not required)
Button (not required)
Image tooltip (not required)
- Image height will be 475px on desktop, tablet, and mobile.
- The default alignment is title, description, and button left-aligned in centre position
- Default/not selected title & description is white
- Default/not selected button is blue
Title & logo
- The title will allow for top left, top right, bottom right, bottom left, and centre alignment
- Title will reveal by bottom, animation shown at the top of this page.
- The title does not support hyperlinking
- The title and text description can be white or they can choose off-black: #333 (default/not selected is white)
- The logo field will be used to support specific nova scotia community logos, campaign logos, and iconography. Supports pngs, gifs, and jpegs. no SVGs.
- The logo upload will allow for top left, top right, bottom right, bottom left, and centre alignment
- The title + logo combo main use will be for their seasonal campaign pages
- There are two button choices: transparent/white and solid blue (default/not selected is blue)
- For reference: the button has been created here, in the lower 3 card columns, along with its hover state.
- The tooltip icon (bottom left) is an on-click to display text and hyperlink
- Functional example can be found here on the first card layout